Thursday, August 30, 2012

Possum Trivia

I researched possums, or marsupials, yesterday and learned some amazing
facts.  They have a remarkably healthy immune system.  No rabies--well,
one in 800 may succumb to the disease, but basically they are immune,  
Their immune system also keeps the bites of poisonous snakes (the rattler,
the copperhead, and cottonmouth specifically) from harming them.

The tend to be solitary creatures, so Frankie will be the only one we will be
feeding.  They are territorial in that as long as we put food out for him/her,
it will continue to return here to feed. Plus, they are omnivorous--eating both
plant and animal foods. Including pickles.  Yes, pickles!  I had a jar of midget
sweet pickles that weren't crunchy--so the pickles went to Frankie who ate
nearly the entire jar!

The most unusual fact was that males had bifurcated penises and females had
bifurcated vaginas--which means each sex had 2 sex organs.  No wonder 
they have such large litters of young.

The average lifespan is 2 years, but they can live up to 4 years.

More about some other species later.  Researching critters is interesting!

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