Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Night Critters

For 3 years now we have been doing the recyle thing.  It is planet conscious, but it
also saves money when we go to recycle landfill.  We have no fees associated with
garbage.  My partner is obsessive about this. So all garbage is carefully sorted.
Cans and heavy plastic containers go in one trash can--and all are washed before
depositing them.  Regular trash goes in another trash can.  Cardboard goes in a carboard
box after being broken down and flattened.  And because we have bottles, cans
and cardboard, our fee for regular garbage is zero.  My partner is very proud of this;
I wasn't so thrilled at first--even though I knew recycling was a good thing earthwise.

Since moving into the Bird House, I have found one distinct disadvantage.  Critters!
My bedroom window is near the front porch.  And we have a large bag of recycle
ready cans/bottles been the cans/bottles on the front porch. The cans are clean, but
I guess they still have a lingering sweet scent--so they attract night critters.  The first
night critter I have actually seen came last night at about 0330.  I was awake from
0200 to 0430.  So the sound of a critter making the bag rattle did not scare me. 
I knew it wasn't a bear--because the front porch light comes on automatically when
someone steps on the steps leading to the porch--and yes, unfortunately, my darling
Bird House is located in what is considered to be "bear country.'  I haven't seen any
bears yet and hope I don't!

Outside on my porch was the smallest possum I'd ever seen.  Turning on the porch
light did not impress it.  That possum was plumb friendly--but I ran it off anyway.  I
don't think it ventured back that night.  Eventually, we will have a small structure just
for recycling, but with recent lawyer fees, that will not happen now.  I have to remind
myself of the poster that used to be (and still is) my mantra, one of them anyway,
"Things Take Time".  The poster showed a huge redwood on a cliff overlooking the
Pacific Ocean.  So very true.  Look how long it took me to buy a house.  This house
was on the market for a very long time when we found it.  The right time and the right

Picture is of my muse and friend, Daisy, as she sleeps beneath my desk.

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