Friday, August 24, 2012

Kids and Illness

One thing about kids, you can be sure, thanks to school, to be exposed to every new
bug and germ that comes along.  First, I picked up a persistent cold which I was
generous enough to share with everyone.  One that made you miserable, but not
sick enough to stay in bed.  Of course everyone came down with a worse version
of my cold.  (I take a handful of vitamins every day.)  Now my grandson has
delivered this eye ailment. The doctor thought his was allergies, but now my daughter
and my partner have it also.  So far I do not.  My daughter--well, hers looks like
pinkeye. (Oh Joy!)  I am keeping my distance and washing my hands frequently.

That is a drawback to a blended household.  Everyone gets exposed to everything,
thanks to the school's excellent incubation program.

Kids are allowed 9 absences per semester--unless they go to the doctor.  Gee, I
wouldn't have been promoted based on that criteria. I was out of school 3 solid
weeks in my sophomore year--with mono.  That was embarrassing! 

I can understand the home schoolers better now.  My grandson's health is fragile;
he catches everything that comes along.  And his nutritional status is poor, at best.
He does take one vitamin every day, but eats no fruits, veggies, meat or fish.
He does eat pasta--plain with only butter--he does not even like the smell of
cheese.  He will eat peanut butter sandwiches and cereal--certain kinds.  Given
that I can see why he gets sick so often.  His dietary intake is severely limited.
We have all tried to get him to eat different foods, but without success.  It is part
of his Autistic Spectrum Disorder.

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