Friday, December 21, 2012


Frankie is eating on the front porch now, since
the large possum ran her off.  Last night, my
daughter and grandson watched through the
window as Frankie ate.  It was the first time my
grandson had seen Frankie--especially close up. 
We watched as she meticulously cleaned her
plate, then she ever so politely left. 

Daisy, on the other hand, did not have a good
night last night.  I ended up giving a 1/4 of a
Lasix tab after I had given her Benazepril  3
hours earlier.  Her cardiomyopathy kicks up
about once a week, but even then, in the
mornings, she has designated bird
watching times.

I'm hungering for Spring--wanting to plant
flowers and veggies.  I really hate waiting.

Part of Christmas present was a new bathing
suit and a one-month Y membership.  I am
looking forward to going.  I am starting my
plan to try to improve my physical health early
this year. I found some Yoga and Tai Chi DVD's
on Amazon. I haven't decided which to get. 

And--You do know as long as believe in
Santa, he'll come to see you.  Bailey asked
about whether Santa was real or not.  I
dodged and told him about my daughter's
favorite Christmas.  Santa brought her a tree
that year.  He said,  "A tree?  Was it
decorated?"  I told him that Santa did things
right--of course it was decorated.  Then I
told him that she got a puppy and a train
set the same year, but her favorite
thing was the tree.  She truly believed
in Santa magic. 

Christmas is nearly here.  I need to start
making cookies and caskes.  Focus on
the positive side of life--the many things
I have to feel grateful about.

Merry Christmas!

Blessings to all!

Kate Thorn

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