Sunday, November 4, 2012


I bragged too much on Daisy's self control.  Two days later she the lunged
at the feeder with its whirlwind activity from chickadees, titmouses, and
nuthatches.  And, once again, slid to the floor.  After that, she confined
herself to watching and twitching her tail incessantly.

My partner cleaned out the remains of the old garden.  It was really a mess.
The garden had not been tended for over a year when we purchased the
house.  This spring it will become a garden again.

The weather continues to be perfectly lovely.  Gorgeous blue sky days.
The time changed last nite; my body does not change so easily.  So I
was awake and moving at 0500--but the clock insisted the time was 0400.

I purchased this great garden book from  The title is
Terrific Garden Tonics by Jerry Baker.  Here is the recipe to ward off
aphids--1 small onion, finely chopped--2 medium cloves of garlic, finely
chopped, 1 tablespoon of baby shampoo, and 2 cups of water.  You place
these ingredients in an OLD blender and blend on high.  (You can find an
old blender at a thrift store or yard sale--need a designated only for garden
tonics blender.)  Let the mixture set overnight, and then strain it through a
coffee filter.  Pour the liquid into a hand held spray bottle and apply
liberally at the first sign of pest problems.

There are 100s of such recipes.  I love this book.  I know it is going to make
a huge difference.  The recipes are cheaper to make than to buy
commercially prepared products--and they make sense.

All for today.

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