Monday, November 26, 2012

Chilly Temperatures and Hungry Critters

The temperature has dropped down to the 20's.  Not good weather
for possums, birds, or squirrels.  My snake plants accidentally were
left on the front porch, and I know I'll lose parts of them; I am hoping
I am able to save the majority of the plants.

It was so cold Frankie didn't come out to eat one night.  And he is
mighty fond on his "meals on wheels", so to speak.  He likes his/her
delivery service.

The squirrels are eating bark off of trees.  So we put out bread and
seed for them also.  They were happy to get it--the blue jay was
ready to fight them over it.  He got a half of a slice of bread and
flew off with it. 

The chickadees, wrens, and tufted titmice are eating hearty. They
tease Daisycat mercilessly.   They know she can't get to them.
They fly up to window where she sits and I believe I heard one
saying "Neener, neener, neener--you can't get me!"  and Daisy's
response was crackly meows combined with circular tail motions
that reminds one of a helicopter about to take off.

I think of how warm we are--and worry about the critters out in
the cold.  If Frankie was even more friendly, he'd probably have
a place in the garage to sleep.  But his issues with the being
fattenened and the pot.  The more we feed him, the more he worries.
I try to reassure him, but his Mama drilled it into him well--there is
no such thing as free food.  I haven't been able to convince of

All for tonight

Kate Thorn

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