Saturday, November 2, 2013

Falling, Health, and More

I am very much behind..  I've had 5 falls in the past 4 weeks.  Not good at all.
Plus Mr. Natural has been very ill--as in the hosp type of ill.  He was unable to
keep food or liquids down.  It turned out to be his gallbladder. Surgery is
scheduled for  the  seventh of November.

In the meantime, I was looking after the chickens alone. Not a good idea.  Thus
the first fall when one of them got under my feet.  And down I went, shoulder
(the still injured one from a previous fall.).landing on a huge flattened rock and
my head landing on a border timber..  The chickens ran and began making
loud "keeninig"  (distress sounds) .It really hurt..  Rest of me landed on concrete.
 (Was I lucky or what?) 

Skipping 2 falls, I had trouble sleeping due to pain in hip joint--It was hurting
worse the next morning..   Since I had fallen several times and always landing
on that hip, I thought I had hairline fracture, so I went for an X-ray.  Soft
tissue bruising--that was all.  But not really;  I was in so much pain--and I
have a high pain tolerance-but this was  worse than having a baby, so I went
to the clinic,  And I have shingles--and 2 more falls to count.  I am on
flexeril now.   My last fall was last night--I had just got out of bed; my left
knee went out and down I went, but I had just stood up and was still facing
the wall.  I was in a tight spot, but I managed to scoot to the end of the bed
and then pulled my way back to upright..

Kate Thorn

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