Sunday, August 25, 2013

Adult Chickens, Plants and Other Stuff

The time has come.  Not only are all the chickens laying eggs on a
daily basis, but they're asserting their bossy hen attitude all the time.
Fences--not a problem.  They fly over them.  Their favorite nesting
place is on the downstairs back porch--which is really an outside
screened porch.  Mr. Natural still yet has to clean up driveway where
he emptied out contents of garage.  So the chickens have run of the
place again--and I am still trying to grow a winter garden on the deck.
That means I am on house arrest since someone must watch the
chickens all the time.  The minute he leaves for even 5-10 minutes,
chickens come up the steps and head for deck and baby plants.  To
say I am frustrated is an understatement.  I would have done something
different  by now. But I am not able to do so.  But I can buy a chicken
house.  And I think I will.

But the chickens are adorable.  They refuse to be in "the bus", container
used to carry them in; now they walk in.  Luckily there is no carpet in
the area from door to guest bathroom.  They hen strut their way to it.
They don't put themselves in the tub.  They want a home, complete with

My little tiny tomato plant that lived in the sun room until large enough to be
transplanted is quite large now.  Needs spraying again.  I plan to do that

Spotted a rufous humming bird--they are gorgeous.  And my very first

And we have a new critter here.  A white squirrel.  We let him/her eat as much
as it wants.  These are not albino squirrels--but a genetic mutation of the gray
squirrel.  There are a large number of them in Brevard--about 20 minutes from
here..  A small number have drifted northward--and our feeder drew it to our

All for today--

Kate Thorn

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