I couldn't find him, Mr. Natural . . . anywhere. The chickens were
waiting to come in to their bathroom tub roost for the night. They
were impatient. So when I opened the door, one walked in. I
scooped it up and carried it to the bathroom. Then another, and
and another, Three walked inside on their own and I picked them
up and carried them to the tub. (Poor chickens--no coop yet for them.)
The 4th walked in and evaded me and promptly escorted herself to
the bathroom. Mr Natural showed up and took care of the final four.
It will be a shock to them to discover they really don't live in the
house with us.
Both of us have felt so badly lately that nothing has gotten completed.
His truck is in the shop. Still another unexpected bill.
Butterfly bushes are starting to bloom. Except for the new one, which is
heat stressed. I have tried to get them all together. All that I truly
accomplished was sending my neck, back, and shoulders into muscle
spasms for 2 days straight. Obviously, the dose of prednisone I am
currently taking is not helping me that much. My daughter came and helped
--she watered the worst of them. And carried the ones on the porrch
around to the back yard--except for the ones not needing direct sunlight.
Mr. Natural didn't water them, so that is up to me I suppose. Or maybe
my daughter can help me as she's coming back tomorrow. I am very
determined. If I have to buy a coop and hire someone to paint the house,
but I will buy the scaffolding first. I'm hoping he'll feel better soon.
And that is where we are at the bird house.
All for tonight.
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