Friday, October 19, 2012

Hummer at the Window

About 9:30 PM,  I heard a noise at my window--it was a hummingbird
attempting to get in.  It's chilly outside and due to get much colder.  I walked
towards the window and it flew feebly towards the window again.  Then it
slid down.  There is a huge bush right below the window, so I feel that its fall
was broken.  I have learned they are much tougher than they appear.  But I
was still worried, so I put on my shoes and a coat; picked up cat's softsided
carrier and a LCD flashlight, and out I go.  Did I mention I am really night
blind--have been all my life--and the flashlight was tiny, tiny one?  My
partner was sleeping, so it was up to me to find the hummer.  I couldn't find
the little one.  I went back inside and moved the feeder on the front porch
to the back porch and turned the back porch light on.  If it finds the nectar,
it will be able to feed frequently and keep its body temperature up.  That is
all I know to do.  But I will worry about it just the same.

Last night I was gathering old cornbread and catfood for Frankie the Friendly
Marsupial.  It looked to be a bleak meal, so I topped it with a bit of whipped
cream.  He seemed to enjoy the meal--there was not even a crumb left this

The mountains have reached their color peak,  absolutely gorgeous.  Most of
the larger trees in our yard are nearly leafless now.  Winter is not far away.
I will get to see and get to know the winter birds.  I saw one today that I
have not identified yet.  When I find it, I will post a picture.

All for tonight.

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