Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Dirty Work

I finally planted the lettuce, A Mesclun mix, in one of the planters on the railing.
I thought I would never get it full of potting soil.  Thanks to my partner, it now
has its own sprinkle bottle--a half liter water bottle with tiny holes drilled in the
lid--so I won't wash the seed away, or drown them.  It worked perfectly!

Next, I tackled the re-potting of the snake plant.  The plant is about 2 feet
high, and for me heavy.  I started by putting the new potting soil in the much
larger container.  Unaccustomed to this activity, I required frequent breaks
just to get enough dirt in the new container to move the snake plant.  There
was a problem--it was root-bound and wouldn't give up the container.  It
was about to win when I laid it on its side and stated beating the side of the
too small container with my spade.  Then the bottom--and it loosened.  By
then, I think the plant could have picked me up easier than I could have it.
There was some doubt on my part as What was going to end up in that large
container--me or the plant--but I did manage to get it in.  I did take a break
then and practiced breathing!

I still had to finish filling the dirt in around the plant.  That took about 20 min.
Then I had move my pitiful root-bound palm to the container that the snake
plant had been in.  That didn't take nearly as long as the snakeplant trasplant.

Then everyone got a nice long drink of water--including me.

How dirty did I get--very!  Enough to warrant a shower!

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