Sunday, November 16, 2014

Beach Trip in Late September

A couple of weeks ago i went to the beach with my daughter
and grandson--and, of course, Daisy.  (I even take a small
vacuum cleaner just for her.)  We went out to eat--food was
great--and we stopped at one beach wares shop.  Not one of
the super large ones.  I wanted a mug--that's all.  But we walked
around perusing the other goods. And that's when I fell--no
warning.  I fell on my right shoulder--the same one broken in April.
And it hurt--really hurt.  I had just been released from the frequent
visits to the doctor.  I got up with help.  My beach trip was essentially
over.  The weather forecast was for rain.  So we did not bring my
cart.  I spent the rest of the time feeling very miserable, but Daisy and I
really enjoyed just watching the ocean.

All for now

Kate Thorn

Life in Hendersonville NC

This has to be the most pleasant small town I've ever lived in.
As we were going up the road towards Walmart, we saw blue lights
on both sides of the road.  No, not a wreck.  They were directing traffic.
So the people could could get out of the church parking lot safely.
And they do this for all churches of a large size.  They also do this
when some huge company, as a car dealership, has a sale.  Unreal!
They didn't even do that in Mayberry!

The kennel I boarded Mollie in while at the beach thew in a free bath.
Mollie weighed 70 or 80 pounds then  so it had to be an experience.
Free Bath!  Another unreal!

Anyway, I love this town.  After buying groceries today we went to
Messalunas to eat.  (spelling not checked yet).   The food was delicious
and, service was beyond excellent.  Next we went to a spice store--and I
found this wonderful vinaigrette call Gingered Honey--to die for--so
it came home with us.  They had the most unusual teapots--black
iron with a ceramic coating inside and out.  The outside was rustic
matte--with different designs on them.  My favorite was the dragonfly
purple teapot. Of course, the spice scents made you want to buy--
and I did--but only 2 packs of the flavored sugars--clove sugar and
cinnamon sugar--I am going to mix a small amt (1/2 tsp) in hot water
and see how it tastes.  Then I'll try it tea.  I usually use Stevia Pure
Via from Amazon--800 packs at a time.  Lasts forever.  I put it in Greek
yogurt and tea.

All for now

Kate Thorn

PS-We refers to my daughter and I.   Mr. Natural is forever gone.--One
last thing--Mollie ran off a bear a few nights ago--super protective now.
All pets are super spoiled. The chicken house is insulated with styrofoam
and more plywood. They are still laying eggs!
