Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Hummer Rescue Video


A friend sent this to me from FB--sharing this with
all bird lovers out there.  It's amazing.

Kate Thorn

Monday, January 28, 2013

Two New Possums--Lulu and Oscar

I think I'm feeding a possum family!!  In the top pic, the larger possum, Oscar, is grooming
his feet after eating bread with butter and applebutter on it.  Possums have a sweet tooth.
Frankie considers this home, but avoids the other 2 possums.  The 2nd possum, named
Lulu, is much smaller, more fine boned, and female.  The dont usually hang out together
unless mating, and it is too early for that.

kate thorn

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Places for Seed and Another New Bird!

I have decided where to buy the rest of our vegetable
seeds---Sow True Seeds.  They are local, so that
saves on shipping costs. And ultra organic and
heirloom.  The Geasy Green Beans with that
wonderful flavor--they have them!  I love those
beans--beans of my childhood.  The catalog
is free--and they tell what nutrients/vitamins
are in each veggie!

The second place for seeds is Baker Creek
Heirloom Seeds  (www.rareseeds.com).
Both have education components to them.
In an article entitled "Why Grow Heirlooms"
the fact that "Quality, taste, and even nutritional
value have been the casualties of modern
breeding trends."

In an article regarding GMO's, the following
statement is made:  "What Monsanto got
were gnetically modified organisms that could
either survive applications of the company's
herbicide, or produce an insect-killing pesticide.

What we got were foods so dangerous to our
health, the American Academy of Environmental
Medicine urges all doctors to prescribe non-GMO
diets to everyone. "

Both companies have excellent reputation and
excellent products.

I just spotted a BARN SWALLOW--what a
gorgeous color--purple and mellow orange.
He checked us out after eating--he sat on top of
the feeder and looked in the window at me-then flew
to the nearest tree limb and stared at me some more.
I had a cardinal there yesterday--and they usually
prefer their food off the ground or low to the ground.

All for today

Kate Thorn

Saturday, January 26, 2013

New Bird

I say raptor; it is a bird of prey--a hawk. I haven't identified it of yet.
The morning was still too dark to know that it looked charcoal with a
white ruff. We have seen it twice before, but always too far away to

Today I learned of an Australalian bird similar to the ostrich.The
name of this bird is the cassowary.  The two excertps are from

"The cassowaries are ratites, very large flightless birds, in the
genus Casuarius native to the tropical forests of New Guinea,
nearby islands and north-eastern Australia.[2] There are three
extant species recognized today. The most common of these,
the Southern Cassowary, is the third tallest and second heaviest
living bird, smaller only than the ostrich and emu.

Cassowaries feed mainly on fruit, although all species are truly
omnivorous and will take a range of other plant food including
shoots, grass seeds, and fungi in addition to invertebrates and
small vertebrates. Cassowaries are very shy, but when
disturbed, they are capable of inflicting serious or even fatal
injuries to dogs and people."

"The Northern and Dwarf Cassowaries are not well known.
All cassowaries are usually shy birds of the deep forest,
adept at disappearing long before a human knows they are
there. Even the more accessible Southern Cassowary of the
far north Queensland rain forests is not well understood.

Females are bigger and more brightly colored. Adult Southern
Cassowaries are 1.5 to 1.8 metres (4.9–5.9 ft) tall, although
some females may reach 2 metres (6.6 ft),[5] and weigh 58.5
kilograms (129 lb).[6]

All cassowaries have feathers that consist of a shaft and loose
barbules. They do not have retrices (tail feathers) or a
preen gland. Cassowaries have small wings with 5-6 large
remeges. These are reduced to stiff, keratinous quills, like
 porcupine quills, with no barbs.[6] A claw is on each second
finger.[7] The furcula and coracoid are degenerate, and their
palatal bones and sphenoid bones touch each other.[8] These,
along with their wedge-shaped body, are thought to be
adaptations to ward off vines, thorns and saw-edged leaves,
 allowing them to run quickly through the rainforest.[9]
A cassowary's three-toed feet have sharp claws. The second toe,
the inner one in the medial position, sports a dagger-like claw
that is 125 millimetres (5 in) long.[6] This claw is particularly
fearsome since cassowaries sometimes kick humans and animals
with their enormously powerful legs (see Cassowary Attacks, below).
Cassowaries can run up to 50 km/h (31 mph) through the dense
forest. They can jump up to 1.5 metres (4.9 ft) and they are good
swimmers, crossing wide rivers and swimming in the sea as well.[7]

Detail of a Southern Cassowary head.
All three species have horn-like but soft and spongy crests
called casques on their heads, up to 18 cm (7 in).[8] These
 consist of "a keratinous skin over a core of firm, cellular
foam-like material".[10] Several purposes for the casques have
been proposed. One possibility is that they are secondary
sexual characteristics. Other suggestions include that they are
used to batter through underbrush, as a weapon for dominance
disputes, or as a tool for pushing aside leaf litter during foraging.
The latter three are disputed by biologist Andrew Mack,
whose personal observation suggests that the casque amplifies
deep sounds.[11] However, the earlier article by Crome and
Moore says that the birds do lower their heads when they are
running "full tilt through the vegetation, brushing saplings aside
and occasionally careening into small trees. The casque would
 help protect the skull from such collisions."[10] From an
engineering perspective the wedge shaped casque is also the
most efficient way to protect the head by deflecting falling fruit.
As cassowaries live on fallen fruit they spend a lot of time under
trees where seeds the size of golfballs or larger are dropping
from heights of up to 30 metres. Mack and Jones also speculate
that the casques play a role in either sound reception or acoustic
communication. This is related to their discovery that at least the
Dwarf Cassowary and Southern Cassowary produce very-low
frequency sounds, which may aid in communication in dense
rainforest.[11] This "boom" is the lowest known bird call, and
is on the edge of human hearing.[12] Crowe described a
cooling function for the very similar casques of guineafowl.
The average lifespan of wild cassowaries is believed to be
about 40 to 50 years.[13]

Distribution and habitat

Cassowaries are native to the humid rainforests of New Guinea
and nearby smaller islands, and northeastern Australia.[2] They
will, however, venture out into palm scrub, grassland, savanna,
and swamp forest.[8] It is unclear if some islands' populations are
natural or the result of trade in young birds by natives. The
cassowary is usually found in a rainforest of a sort but in Australia
mostly Northern Queensland in places as in Cairns or The Great
Daintree Rainforest.

Behaviour and ecology

Cassowaries are solitary birds except during courtship, egg-laying,
and sometimes around ample food supplies.[8] The male cassowary
defends a territory of about 7 square kilometres (1,700 acres)
for itself and its mate, while females have overlapping territories
of several males.[13] While females move between satellite
territories of different males, they appear to remain within the
same territories for most of their lives, mating with the same or
closely related males over the course of their life span. Courtship
and pair bonding rituals begin with the vibratory sounds broadcast
 by females. Males approach and run with necks parallel to the
ground with dramatic movements of the head, which accentuate
 the frontal neck region. The female approaches drumming slowly.
The male will crouch upon the ground and the female will either
step on the males back for a moment before crouching beside
him in preparation for copulation or she may attack. This is often
the case with the females pursuing the males in ritualistic chasing
behaviors that generally culminate in water. The male cassowary
dives into water and submerges himself up to his upper neck and
head. The female pursues him into the water where he eventually
drives her to the shallows where she crouches making ritualistic
motions of her head. The two may remain in copulation for extended
periods of time. In some cases another male may approach and run
the other male off. He will climb on to her to copulate as well. Males
are far more tolerant of one another than females, which do not
tolerate the presence of other females.

Southern Cassowary at Brevard Zoo in Melbourne, Florida, USA


The breeding season starts in May or June. Females lay three to
eight large, dark bright green or pale green-blue eggs in each
clutch into a prepared heap of leaf litter.[8] These eggs measure
about 9 by 14 centimetres (3.5 by 5.5 in) — only Ostrich and
Emu eggs are larger. The female does not care for the eggs or
the chicks but moves on to lay eggs in the nests of several other
males. The male incubates the eggs for 50–52 days, removing or
adding litter to regulate the temperature, then protects the
brown-striped chicks, who stay in the nest for about nine months,
defending them fiercely against all potential predators, including
humans. The young males then go off to find a territory of their own.[8][13]
"Young cassowaries are brown and have buffy stripes. 
They are often kept as pets in native villages 
[in New Guinea], where they are permitted to roam like 
barnyard fowl. Often they are kept until they become 
nearly grown and someone gets hurt. Mature cassowaries 
are placed beside native houses in cribs hardly larger than 
the birds themselves. Garbage and other vegetable food is 
fed them, and they live for years in such enclosures; for in 
some areas their plumage is still as valuable as shell money. 
Caged birds are regularly bereft of their fresh plumes."[9]


Cassowaries are predominantly frugivorous. Besides fruits, their
diet includes flowers, fungi, snails, insects, frogs, birds, fish, rats,
mice, and carrion. Fruit from at least twenty-six plant families
have been documented in the diet of cassowaries. Fruits from
the laurel, podocarp, palm, wild grape, nightshade, and myrtle
 families are important items in the diet.[8]

The cassowary plum takes its name from the bird. Where trees
are dropping fruit, cassowaries will come in and feed, with each
bird defending a tree from others for a few days. They move on
when the fruit is depleted. Fruit is swallowed whole, even items
as large as bananas and apples.

Cassowaries are a keystone species of rain forests because
they eat fallen fruit whole and distribute seeds across the jungle
floor via excrement.[8]As for eating the Cassowary, it is supposed
to be quite tough. Australian administrative officers stationed in
New Guinea were advised that it "should be cooked with a stone
in the pot: when the stone is ready to eat so is the Cassowary".[14]

Role in seed dispersal and germination

Casuarius casuarius scat
Cassowaries feed on the fruits of several hundred rainforest species
and usually pass viable seeds in large dense scats. They are known
to disperse seeds over distances greater than a kilometre, and thus
play an important role in the ecosystem. Germination rates for
seeds of the rare Australian rainforest tree Ryparosa were found
to be much higher after passing through a cassowary's gut (92% versus 4%).[15]

Status and conservation

A road sign in Cairns, Queensland, Australia
The Southern Cassowary is endangered in Queensland, Australia.
Kofron and Chapman (2006) assessed the decline of this species.
They found that, of the former cassowary habitat, only 20 -
25% remains. They stated that habitat loss and fragmentation is the
primary cause of decline.[16] They then studied 140 cases of
cassowary mortality and found that motor vehicle strikes accounted
for 55% of them, and dog attacks produced another 18%. Remaining
causes of death included hunting (5 cases), entanglement in wire (1 case),
the removal of cassowaries that attacked humans (4 cases), and
natural causes (18 cases), including tuberculosis (4 cases). 14 cases
were for unknown reasons.[16]

Hand feeding of cassowaries poses a big threat to their survival, because
it lures them into suburban areas. There, the birds are more susceptible
to vehicles and dogs.[17] Contact with humans encourages cassowaries
to take food from picnic tables.

Feral pigs are a huge problem. They destroy nests and eggs but their
worst effect is as competitors for food, which could be catastrophic
for the cassowaries during lean times.

In February 2011 Cyclone Yasi destroyed a large area of cassowary
habitat, endangering 200 of the birds, around 10% of the total Australian

Relationship with humans

Cassowary attacks

Cassowaries have a reputation for being dangerous to people and
domestic animals. During World War II American and Australian
troops stationed in New Guinea were warned to steer clear of
them. In his book "Living Birds of the World" from 1958,
 ornithologist Thomas E. Gilliard wrote:
"The inner or second of the three toes is fitted with a long, 
straight, murderous nail which can sever an arm or 
eviscerate an abdomen with ease. There are many records 
of natives being killed by this bird."[19]
This assessment of the danger posed by cassowaries has been repeated
 in print by authors including Gregory S. Paul (1988)[20] and
Jared Diamond (1997).[21] Of 221 attacks studied in 2003, 150 were
against humans. 75% of these were from cassowaries that had been
fed by people. 71% of the time the bird chased or charged the victim.
15% of the time they kicked. Of the attacks, 73% involved the birds
expecting or snatching food, 5% involved defending natural food
sources, 15% involved defending themselves from attack, 7% involved
defending their chicks or eggs. The 150 attacks included at least one
human death.[22]
One documented human death was caused by a cassowary on 6 April 1926.
16-year old Phillip McClean and his brother, aged 13, came across a
cassowary on their property and decided to try to kill it by striking it with clubs.
The bird kicked the younger boy, who fell and ran away as his older brother
struck the bird. The cassowary then charged and knocked the older
McClean to the ground and kicked him in the neck, opening a 1.25 cm (0.49 in)
wound which may have severed his carotid artery. The boy managed to escape,
but died shortly afterwards as a result of his injuries.[23 

]Cassowary strikes to the abdomen are among the rarest of all, but there
 is one case of a dog that was kicked in the belly in 1995. The blow left
no puncture, but there was severe bruising. The dog later died from an
apparent intestinal rupture.

 Now the more humorous side of cassowary.  Go to Facebook--
where Kenny Cassowary has a face book site, I was told, but
couldn't locate, I did find Cassowary! on FB--with some
exceptional pictures!  Kenny Cassowary is living at the beach
and stealing food from tourists, no aggressive behavior at all,
but he may not be breeding age yet.  Currently he is like the
lovable but exasperating Yogi Bear of Jellystone Park!

Back to my birds--we had the feeder  that is attached to the window
removed so as to clean it and replace the food with the sunflower,
peanuts, dried cherry and raisin blend.  While the feeder was feeder
was down, here comes flying my favorite (very blond--not in color though)
tufted titmouse.  He couldn't stop, looked very suprised and grabbed hold
of the attachment to regain his balance and gave me suprised look
before flying away.

All for today.

kate thorn

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Garden Seed, Trees, and a Trip!

I only had to run one squirrel away yesterday.  And that
due to my daughter leaving an open bag of bird feed
on the porch.  That was removed and the porch swept.
And now the birds are frequently the feeder by 0700.

I bought my first seed yesterday,  One tomato seed
that stayed a green color--I love fried green tomatoes.

A squah/zuchinni blend called Zephyr--which is, hands
down, the best squash I've ever eaten--Ever!

Some "Yum-Yum" pepper seed that look like
slightly squashed small bell pepper with more
than one color in the mix.

And 2 more items I can't honestly remember-except
there were veggies.

Purchased from Gurnney's  which had elevated
prices on everything trying to lure people in with
spend 50.00 and get 25.00 for free.  All their
prices were over-inflated--so I passed and only
purchased those I couldn't find elsewhere.  The
squash was 1.00 less than Johnny's Select Seed.

I have so many tomatoes seeds--mostly heirloom.
They did OK last year with sub-optimal conditions.
Moving during the high growth season just isn't good
for green growing things, but it couldn't be helped.

The garden is cleared--not tested yet.  Still a ways
to go.  I kept calling Potash--Po-tash--which
got a lot of laughs, but I got it now.  I have
3 books on how rid yards of unwanted creepy
crawlers, and get rid of snails (beer).Definitely plan to
removed the extremely damaged hemlocks from
the front yard edge.  They are too far gone to save.
I have 12 trees coming from the Arbor Day
Foundation.. Plus we can get more for free
from the county extension co-opperative.
That is not the correct name.  You would
think after taking the Master Gardiner course
that I'd never forget the name.

They have rooms on sale at the Islander
Inn--the rest of this month and through
Feb--2 nights for 99.00.  Oceanfront.  I
promised Daisy we'd go back.  I swear that
cat did nothing but stare at the ocean,  Never
seen an animal fall so in love with the ocean.

All  for today

Kate Thorn

Friday, January 18, 2013

Squirrel Wars and Possum Fates

The possum that had the small white stripe on its back
was found dead on the highway.  I felt badly; I can't feed
them all; I realize that.  Still, I was relieved it wasn't
Frankie.  Frankie has a steady food supply.  No need
for him to roam.

The squirrel batttles continue.  Today I got a feeder
supposedly impervious to squirrels.  IF the rain lets up
tomorrow, I will put it up on the back porch.

I've been sick--forever it seems, but I kept my
appointment with my hairdresser.  She works magic
with my hair.  But I wasn't quite sure of the time--
so I was an hour early, so we went to Home Depot
for a while--and they had plants on sale.  I got a huge
Snake Plant , and a small prayer plant and an"angel
wings" plant.  I know the "angel wings" by its real
name, but can't recall it now.

Daisy jumped on the table where they sit in front
of a window, sniffed them, and left them alone.
She has shown no further interest.  (She used
to dig up every plant I brought into the house;
I guess she is finally past that.)

The temperature dropped sometime in the evening
from warm rains to icy cold.  No signs of snow
yet--it's 0430 now and I would think it would
be here by now.

All for now.

Kate Thorn

Sunday, January 13, 2013

If Squirrels Are Theiving

All the wonderful birdseed attracted two really greedy
squirrels.  Thus began the great squirrel war.  My desk
is next to the window that looks out onto the deck.  I
was getting up and chasing them off every 20 minutes.
I exhausted myself trying to protect the seed for the birds.

I turned to the internet for information.  Cayenne pepper
solution.  I went to Amazon--read reviews on the
the product.  The birds shunned the cayenne coated
seeds and the squirrels, while not as greedy, still ate
the seeds. I went to groups next--desperate for
help.  Dang squirrels had broken a saucer made of
ruby glass.  Same saucer had been set out after
we moved in with water for the hummers.  Hummers
love red.  One person said their probem was solved
by a metal pole with a "squirrel proof" dome over
the feeder.  But that was taken one step further.
The pole was greased and so was the dome.  Now
I know how to fix my squirrel dilemma.  I heading
to Lowe's today to look for metal poles!

Thank you so much--you know who you are.
Finally I have a solution that can bring enjoyment
back to bird watching!

Kate Thorn

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Feast for the Birds

We purchased a new bag of birdfeed.  This one's
comprised of mostly sunflowers seeds, peanuts,
dried cherries and raisins.  My partner put out a
saucer with a handful of seed in it.

And the deck suddenly became a bird airport.
They were flying down hot and heavy, grabbing
some seed and then flying off with it.  At times,
there were as many as five birds at once around
the saucer.  They emptied 3 saucers before we quit
putting more out.

I also saw something I hadn't seen before.  The
tufted titmouse was facing forward, but he hopped
sideways to the saucer.

I haven't seen Frankie in a few days. But she was
here to eat tonight.  Her plate didn't have a crumb left
in it.  She had leftover mac and cheese with some
right spicy chili beans, some corn chips (For
sure she had on her sombrero on tonight!) and
bread with mandarin oranges with pear juice
topping it off.

I received a ton of mail--mostly plant and seed
catalogs,  I looked each of them over buying
probably 1000.00 worth in my head.  I am
so looking forward to Spring.  Actually, the time
is close to plant the seeds indoors.  I can't
wait.  I know we're going to have an abundance
of tomatoes!  And squash!

All for tonight

Kate Thorn

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Birds and Cat

Morning Time.  There is one lone bird singing up a storm.
He's on the tree, the one in front on m window. The trees
are dusted with frost.  It is a cold, lonely winter morn, but
still beautiful.

We found two more  books on hummingbirds by Arnette
Heidcamp, who has become quite the hummingbird
specialist in the Northeast.  In the last book, she ends
with two injured hummers and two female Rufous
hummers.  Made me hungry for summer.

In all of this revelations, her hummers slept at night.
None ever knocked on her window, insistent on
being fed.  Hummers are curious birds.  And
people fascinated.

The chickadees and nuthatches are fascinated
also.  The will light in the window in front of me
and study me as I study them.  It's quite comical

Daisy had a really bad spell with her heart two
nights ago.  We bought her a new toy mouse.
I read the label--no mention of catnip.  But it
did have catnip in it.  And she played and played
with it,  She would toss across the room, then
stalk it.  Watching her was hilarious.  The she gave
out and went to sleep,  Not long after that, she
was wheezing; I had already given her nightly
dose of benazepril for her cardiomyopathy. I hate
to follow it with lasix, because it knocks her
blood pressure down, makes her feel badly
all day long, but it was necessary.  It had been
a week since she required any Lasix, and
within half an hour, her wheezing was gone.

The next day she played with the mouse again
and ended up in trouble again.  I took the
mouse away--Daisy can't tolerate extra
stimulation.   So for the second night in a
row, I was more or less forced to give
Lasix.  I was awake more than I was asleep.
By 0500 I was so worried that I woke my
partner--He has a soothing healing touch.
I was stressed, thus making matters worse.
She had not drank or used her pot all night.

She lay close to me, as she always does when
she's in trouble.  He began to pet her and talk
to her, and I actually see her calming down.
When she began to purr, I knew we had
turned the corner.  After about 15 minutes
later, he asked Daisy if she wanted some water,
She stopped purring, looked at him, and got
up and drank nearly the whole bowl of water.

She came back and he resumed petting.
She got up about 10 minutes later and used
her pot, and I knew she was out of danger.

She settled down to sleep and so did I.
The offending mouse was replaced by
CHUB, a fat little toy mouse that she's had
years.  She is very careful with her toy mice.
She destroyed one when still a kitten--and since
then she cares for them gently.  She even
grooms them.

Regarding Frankie, whom I'm also sure
is female now (It's that or the world's neatest
male possum,), well, there are 3 possums here
now--plus the  feral cats.  Frankie rarely gets his
food.  Whoever the culprit, he or she isn't neat.
Not even close to neat.  There's the huge possum--
I haven't seen it in a while.  There is one other
possum slightly larger than Frankie with short
2-3" wide white stripe in the area of his shoulders.

Feeding Frankie is a real challenge now.
I haven.t given up though.

Daisy is here asking for her morning can,  so that's
all for now.
